After ten hours of practising the art of goju ryu karate-do under the instruction of Masuyama Sensei, 8th Dan, and thousands of punches, I still can’t tsuki, but I feel a little closer to understanding how much more practice I need.
Many thanks to Masuyama Sensei for another great gasshuku, to Sensei Patrick, Chief Instructor of Belgium and to our wonderful hosts Sensei Marc Sanglier and Els De Brabander.
Tsuki (突き), is the Japanese word for "thrust", coming from the verb tsuku (突く), meaning "to thrust". It is spelled the same as the Japanese word for "moon"/"month" tsuki (月), but the second syllable is accented, with Japanese's unvoiced vowels making it pronounced almost like "ski" (but preceded by a "t" sound).
In particular, Masuyama Sensei was referring to the "karate straight punch" with an emphasis on the word "straight".