As Christmas approaches we are now taking a break for a couple of weeks. The last children's class of the year was on Saturday 17th December. The first half of the class included practice of ten tsuki (heaven strikes) and tai sabaki (body movement) exercises. In the second half the students pushed themselves to complete 108 burpees (or star jumps as we call them). At the end of the class Sensei Fabio gave a wonderful demonstration of Sepai kata. The last class for the adults was held this evening, and in keeping with tradition of previous years we completed 108 kata. However, to try something new, rather than practicing Gekisai Dai Ichi, we completed Renzoku Bunkai 108 times, also known as Chokusen Gekisai Dai Ichi. Thanks to all of our students for their support this year. We're looking forward to returning to training on Thursday 5th January 2023.
November 2024
Martin Stockley
Instructor |