Since the club started we have raised money for a diverse range of good causes by holding one-off charity events. In 2016 we took part in our first "Thousand Strike Challenge" while wearing pink belts to support the Pink Ribbon Foundation, a breast cancer charity. It was such a success that we decided to do it all over again, this time donating money to two organisations, Muscular Dystrophy UK and Rowan Humberstone. To show that all participants are considered equal in this undertaking, and to reflect the branding of MD UK, we all wore orange belts. Many thanks to everyone that took part and to all the generous donors, we raised over £1,000. The club is also very grateful to Sensei Dick Lovett, 5th Dan, from the Basildon dojo for coming up to Cambridge and ensuring we completed the 1,000 techniques, with a few extra to be sure. Domo arigato gozaimashita!!
August 2024
Martin Stockley
Instructor |